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Dignity In Giving

If I help somebody, should I consider this an obligation, a favor, or a responsibility? One day, I went to a processing center of an NGO which collects and utilizes old clothes and turn them into useful products. It was a great initiative but there was always a sense of discomfort among the employees of the processing center because of the kind of stuff donated by people. There were torn-out clothes, underwear with stains, totally useless electronic equipment, utensils in the worst condition, etc. They told me that this is the daily site at the processing center because people do not think twice before putting any object in donation boxes. When we plan any gift for our loved ones, we ensure that it is worthy, neat, and nicely gift-wrapped. It makes us feel good that the receiver will enjoy the gift and cherish the relationship forever. Why do we not feel the same level of compassion for the beneficiaries to whom we are donating something? In Mahabharat, Karna supported Kauravas but...
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The Weekend

It was December 2015, and I was returning from my office. I was coming by a shared auto and dropped by a metro station at cyber city, Gurugram. From there, I decided to walk to my room as it was nearby. It was around 10 PM and I got late due to some pending work at the office. As I walked a few meters, I saw a young man lying on the road, he was badly drunk, unconscious, and partly wet may be due to vomiting. A lot of people were passing by, but no one was bothered to check his well-being. Many times, I also see beggars in a similar state who do it intentionally to get some money, but this guy was different. He was well dressed, wearing branded clothes, and shoes, and I was able to assume that he was an employee in some nearby private firm. In the cyber city, Gurgaon resides many private firms and maybe he was working in one of the firms. So, looking into his attire, I thought that this may not be a normal case and I should enquire. I went closer to him and tried to push him to bring h...

Inspiration From A Luna Driver

It was a cold shivering morning of 18 th  Jan 22 in the northern Indian city of western Uttar Pradesh Meerut. Weather was very harsh and covid cases were surging in all parts of India. Most of the tech people like me were working from home and were comfortably placed inside 4 walls of their warm rooms. The sun was playing hide and seek and getting the clothes soaked in Sun was one of the most critical tasks. The cold weather was making everybody reluctant to travel by two-wheelers and car was the most appropriate mode of transport. If somebody asks me to go and bring some stuff from the market, the person seems to be the cruelest person on earth. But my better half asked me to bring some stuff from the market and I decided to take the best mode of transport, which is also energy saving, I decided to walk to the shop. In between, I saw a person on an old model Luna carrying a lot of items loaded all over his vehicle. He had so many items on the vehicle that I could only see his face...

The Intangible Results

One day when I was walking through a marginalized community in Pune, I saw one lady asking his son to wash his hands and mentioning as “kal wo bhaiya kya keh rahe the ki khana khane se pehle haath jaroor dhone hain”. She was referring to what I told during an awareness session to always wash hands before eating. I was not aware how many people will follow those instructions and neither I was worried about it. But glad that it created an impact and changed the perception of few people. In today’s world, numbers are very important. Everything is represented in numbers and data. With the advent of data analytics technique and tools, the love for numbers have increased exponentially. The success of any initiative, idea or thought is determined mainly by the tangible benefits. For e.g., scheme X of the government has directly impacted Y number of people or company’s profit has increased by 10% quarter to quarter. Tangible results are crucial for government agencies as they need to showc...

Meerut (UP) | Covid 19 | Administration Contact And Useful Info | Year : 2021

Please find below information on Meerut administration and covid related information. Below is the list of covid hospitals in Meerut with contact numbers. This list was published by Meerut administration few months back so there can be some changes to it e.g. few beds added or some new hospitals converted to covid. Hence best to call and check for the current status. Kindly update in comments if other useful covid related information for Meerut city (UP). Keep safe and mask up Meerut. Regards Live For The Nation

ISR: Individual Social Responsibility

We all must have heard about government responsibilities of social welfare, policies for BPL communities, upliftment of marginalized communities etc. We also discuss about the responsibilities of bureaucrats, MLAs, MPs, local corporators, and other government units to ensure the wellbeing of people. All these units form the government system, and it is part of their job to plan, implement and maintain schemes of social welfare. In addition to this, in the last few decades, our country has witnessed the growth of non-government organizations and charitable trusts focussing on different social sectors and helping government to implement policies in remote areas. These NGOs also help in spreading awareness and reaching to right beneficiaries. Our country has seen some great success stories by NGOs, and they play a pivotal role in community development. In 2013, CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) was introduced in companies act so that corporates can give back to society. This clause ha...

Humanity Prevails

“The time will pass anyway; we might just as well put that passing time to the best possible use.” ~ Earl Nightingale. During Corona crisis starting from Mar 20 till today, we are witnessing amazing acts of humanity, affection, love where people are helping others. There have been stories where a barber in Madurai used his saving of Rs.5 Lac to provide food to needy people, then there were stories of people using their saving to get buses arranged for migratory workers, celebrities like Sonu Sood showing the world what "hero" means. Stories of Gurudwaras distributing food to the migrant workers, individuals and NGOs distributing food packets, grocery items to the people on streets. There were instances where communities of one religion open their doors and hearts for people of other religion reinstating the fact of Vasudhaiva kutumbakam.  Our country witnessed a very painful situation where people migrated from their work locations to their native pl...