Hi All, From the last few days, one thing has been constantly disturbing me and making me think twice before I celebrate. This thing, which can't be measured nor seen, is a trademark of the way we have ignored the need to help others and moved towards consumerism. This thing is "The Disparity". I am not against of showing off your grey metallic car, neither to flaunt the Rolex watch nor the harley davidson, I am just confused about the disparity our country has seen in the last 50 years. The disparity in terms of income, health, education, opportunities and happiness. On one hand we feel proud on India with high number of billionaires and on the other hand we are also having the largest malnutrition ratio among our kids. We have people with big villas and we have people still striving for 2 meals a day. We have our girls making mark in the world and we have girls being trafficked and subjected to domestic abuse. These are only some instances of disparity that ...
I strive to bring some changes through my writing and make an impact. I volunteer at SNEH Foundation and to help others is not my choice but it is my responsibility.