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The Disparity

Hi All,

From the last few days, one thing has been constantly disturbing me and making me think twice before I celebrate. This thing, which can't be measured nor seen, is a trademark of the way we have ignored the need to help others and moved towards consumerism.
This thing is "The Disparity".

I am not against of showing off your grey metallic car, neither to flaunt the Rolex watch nor the harley davidson, I am just confused about the disparity our country has seen in the last 50 years.

The disparity in terms of income, health, education, opportunities and happiness. 

On one hand we feel proud on India with high number of billionaires and on the other hand we are also having the largest malnutrition ratio among our kids. We have people with big villas and we have people still striving for 2 meals a day. We have our girls making mark in the world and we have girls being trafficked and subjected to domestic abuse. These are only some instances of disparity that can be seen in our daily life and we have almost accepted these facts. Also, people like us are increasing this disparity in some or the other way. A good example is that high society parents complain if the school allows admission to lower class kids because they consider there is a difference. I have seen parents supporting extremely non-justified high fees of schools as it keeps the lower middle class away from the school as if we want to keep this disparity.

Lot of people will give this disparity a name of Destiny which is hard to change. They say that it is their fate that these people are suffering in life, may be because of some sins done in the last birth. I mean do we really believe this or just try to give an excuse which almost stops the discussion. Some Politicians, bureaucrats also try to take advantage of this disparity by making it major point of their election manifesto but what results is another disparity. A city with ruling party MLA or MP will get 24 hrs. electricity and another city may be completely ignored due to some reasons.

I say this destiny can be changed. 

This destiny of crores of people can be changed when the people like us consider this as our responsibility and one of the our agendas to live.

We can't always leave it to the government to eliminate this disparity and attempt for the same. Can I make a difference, can I bridge this gap, can I do something to decrease this disparity.
These are the questions at which I complete this post and leave it to you to decide something that brings all Indians at same level in terms of happiness.



  1. Small difference between What i am doing and what i am capable of doing is more than enough to solve many problems .

  2. The disparity is evident. Only strengthening government education can bridge this gap

    1. I agree that strengthening govt. education will bridge this gap but we will also attempt to do it. At least we can bring kids to school doorstep and assist them in education.


    Another example of growing disparity.

  4. Very well collated Avi Sir. My inputs:

    1) I think right primary education , equal confidence boost opportubities for both rich-poor kids and MORAL VALUES classes will play important role in shaping the generations.

    2)I think, It's not money that is the problem. . Instead the fact that MEASUREMENT of success only in terms of money is the problem.
    Forbes never lists a person who is leading a simple middle-class life, yet he is making difference in society through the pureness of whatever work he does, as according to all of us, he is yet to achieve a lot (money)
    3. We all want more of whatever we have, whether we are rich or poor. We are not happy with less. Whereas in some countries it's opposite, they consider less to be the best, as with it human LIVES, not just trapped in race. (Like finland)

    In all sir, I want to say, we all (rich/poor) need to think where we are heading and what we are achieving and when we say to ourselves It's Enough For Me


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