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Showing posts from 2020

Humanity Prevails

“The time will pass anyway; we might just as well put that passing time to the best possible use.” ~ Earl Nightingale. During Corona crisis starting from Mar 20 till today, we are witnessing amazing acts of humanity, affection, love where people are helping others. There have been stories where a barber in Madurai used his saving of Rs.5 Lac to provide food to needy people, then there were stories of people using their saving to get buses arranged for migratory workers, celebrities like Sonu Sood showing the world what "hero" means. Stories of Gurudwaras distributing food to the migrant workers, individuals and NGOs distributing food packets, grocery items to the people on streets. There were instances where communities of one religion open their doors and hearts for people of other religion reinstating the fact of Vasudhaiva kutumbakam.  Our country witnessed a very painful situation where people migrated from their work locations to their native pl...

The Invisible

Sridhar while surveying the community for a hygiene program asks Ramesh, a local fruit seller, “kya bolte ho nayi Sarkar ke baare mein” (what is your view on the new government?) Ramesh laughs and answers “sir, hamari kise padi hain” (sir who bother about us). On another day, Iqbal, a daily wager is hardly bothered who is representing his constituency. The only thing that bothers him is to ensure two meals per day for his family.  Ramesh and Husain both represents the “ invisible ” section of the society. These people are rarely talked about, hardly discussed on media channels, does not play any role in designing government strategies and are mostly non-taxpayer. They are meant to provide support services to the visible section and ensure smooth running of the civilized society. Some of the people forming this invisible section are maids, sewage cleaner, fruit/vegetable sellers on street, daily wagers like masons, painters, rickshaw pullers, car cleaners, local plumber, c...

Corona Virus: Useful Information

As our country fight the deadly Corona Virus, some information which can be helpful for citizens and also Indian nationals living abroad.  NCDC (National Center For Disease Control) Helpline  : 91-11-23978046 (24 x 7 Helpline) Tollfree number: 1075 WhatsApp number: 9013151515 NCDC Portal: This helpline can be contacted for any updates related to corona virus even on rumours and myths being circulated on social media. Indian living abroad can also call to get required information. It has lot of links to spread awareness, documents and videos to understand the disease and regulate the spread. Helpline Number Statewise: ICMR (Indian Council Of Medical Research) Portal:   For Covid-19 updates: https:...