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Corona Virus: Useful Information

As our country fight the deadly Corona Virus, some information which can be helpful for citizens and also Indian nationals living abroad. 

NCDC (National Center For Disease Control) Helpline : 91-11-23978046 (24 x 7 Helpline)
Tollfree number: 1075
WhatsApp number: 9013151515
NCDC Portal:
This helpline can be contacted for any updates related to corona virus even on rumours and myths being circulated on social media. Indian living abroad can also call to get required information. It has lot of links to spread awareness, documents and videos to understand the disease and regulate the spread.
Helpline Number Statewise:

ICMR (Indian Council Of Medical Research) Portal: 
For Covid-19 updates:
This portal can be visited to check all the latest stats, details of testing labs, symptoms, national and state level circulars, guidance documents and other artifacts.

We are in tough situation but the only solution to this problem is to stand divided. Earlier we have stand united but now we need to stand divided physically and united emotionally.

Hope we will get over this soon but patience, caution are the keys.

I support Social Distancing. 

Live For The Nation


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