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I Am Privileged

"I am disgusted", Rohan screams in the room on a Friday evening. Fellow room-mate comes running in the room and saw Rohan frustrated and talking on phone. He waited for the conversation to get over and then gently asked Rohan, "brother, what is the problem? Why are you so upset?". It was like Rohan's roommate re-ignited the fire which was about to shut down and then it burnt the whole night. Rohan was upset on his annual appraisal which was not as expected. The whole night was spent drinking an expensive whisky. 

Mira, a 25 year old girl is upset as most of her friends are getting settled in foreign countries and she is still in India. She has stopped visiting Facebook as it was demotivating for her to see all her friends getting married or visiting Europe. Most of the weekends, she spent time on her iphone x or shopping online. 

Arjun was smoking the third cigarette because he realized that one of his college mate is earning more than him whereas he was below average student in college. It was followed by a trip to Goa over the weekend with more smoking to relieve the stress. 

Pooja, a 30 year old married girl recently celebrated motherhood and has currently joined office after 6 months maternity leave. But slowly, she develops post maternity depression as she is not able to concentrate on her child due to office responsibilities. She feels confused and irritated most of the times. 

The above are few of the many reasons the youths, middle aged people are upset about these days and feels that life has been unfair.

There is the other side of the road where people have different reasons for their distress. 

Afzal, a 35 year old contract labor working in Gurgaon was upset because his contract is complete and he was not able to find any other job. He is supposed to deposit his daughter's quarterly school fees Rs.3300/- in couple of days. He chew his low quality tobacco with fear about the future and plans to ask some money from relatives. 

Priyanka, a class 10th girl living in one of the urban slum of Pune is upset because his father is not ready to send her to school after class 10th because she is menstruating and may soon marry her. She want to learn, become independent but restricted by her father's social ideology. 

Anita, a 60 year old lady working as a cook in Meerut is mourning because she lost his son due to liver failure caused by excessive consumption of alcohol. He was the only son. Anita's only daughter is now searching for job so that she can support the family. 

Arziya, a middle age lady is worried if she will be able to pay the fees of the special school for her differently able son. She is trying her level best to ensure quality education for her son suffering from a rare disease. Her husband is driver but earn just enough to sustain livelihood in urban slum of Mumbai. 

Whenever there is night, the light is just hours away. 

Rohan met Afzal one day through a common friend and he was able to get him a new contract with his builder friend. He used his networking with builders to help Afzal pay fees for his daughter's education without sacrifcing his dignity. Rohan feels privileged to have a stable job and power to help a person get a decent job. 

Mira is taking private classes for Priyanka after her office hours as Priyanka's father has discontinued her education but agreed for private coaching. Mira met Priyanka in one of NGO's rally and since then teaches Priyanka. Now she is aware of her rights and is able to sustain herself through knowledge. Mira feels privileged that she have enough knowledge and also time to impart that knowledge to a needy girl in India. 

Pooja met Arziya through a common friend who works for underprivileged people and collected Rs.30,000/- for Arziya's son education through crowd funding site. Pooja knew about crowd funding, how to channelize it and was able to help a mother who dream to educate his son. Pooja feels privileged as she herself is capable to save for her son's education. 

Arjun went to her home town and met Anita who works at his friend's house. Anita told her story to Arjun and within two days, Arjun helped her daughter get a job in his brother's hospital. Arjun feels privileged to help a less educated but needy girl to find a job. 

It is often said that the strongest people are those who are able to help others, even if they are struggling with their own problems. There can be some genuine problems with anyone like losing a loved one or a chronic illness but if you wake up in the morning on your toes, have parents, siblings and friends to support you, able to take breath with freedom, pray to God with your hands, see the sun, able to hear the birds chirping, enough money to afford your medicines and will to live a wonderful day, then you are privileged. 

Just see around, analyze and statement "I am depressed" can be replaced by "I am privileged".
: The names mentioned above are fictitious but incidences are inspired by true events.

Live For The Nation


  1. A nice and motivating post.. "I am Privileged "

  2. Very well articulated the stories which we see around. Yes I can definitely say that I feel privileged..

  3. V thoughtful.. and fact of today's life.

  4. Insightful blog... Rather than been insecure, one should count ones blessings and feel privileged.

    1. Thanks Sonali. Yes one should count ones blessings as lot of people are deprived of the same

  5. Very nicely put. Great Avi !

  6. Nice article Avi, worth reading it and very necessary to implement in life.

  7. A beautiful write up which gives a very deep profound positive message to us- the youngsters who mostly find our surroundings very negative this message inspires and instils in them that there is a path of growth n positivity.

  8. All the motivation one need... 'i am privileged'.

  9. This blog is so thoughtful n motivating....
    I too definitely feel l am priveleged.

  10. Good work Avi👍
    Keep the good work going bro

  11. Very thoughtful and motivational Avi. Well composed. Yes "I am privileged"

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Motivational blog. Yes i am privileged..

  14. I am sure each one of us can relate to one or more names.the learning is that think of how you can see happiness in things around you and contribute to social causes as much as you can.


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