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Independence Day - And then????

Hi All,

This year India celebrated 68th Independence day and the country celebrated in the best possible way. With patriotic slogans, flag everywhere it seemed that Indian youth are very much interested in doing something for this country. Then came 16-Aug and lot of NGOs and youth communities went on roads to pick up the flags on the road and posting pics on social media.

Then after that slowly slowly we all move into our so called personal lives and this patriotism or the love for the country somehow takes the back seat. Then if you try to ask any person if you have ever tried to do something for the country, the excuses includes a very famous dialogue from a Bollywood movie that "Hume ghar chalana hota hain, isliye hum sarkaar chunte hain ki wo desk chalaye". Within few days we all are totally trapped in our attempt to live a good, comfortable living and gain materials as much as possible. On one day we will hear a brutal case of insane nature like Nirbhaya case Delhi, we are touched, we protest, we keep rallies and in turn system announces death for the accused and we feel that our task is closed. This is definitely worth and in the recent years media and our people has been able to force the system to take strict actions e.g. Jessica Lal case but can't there be any way by which we can do something that such heinous crimes don't occur at all.
It is the time not to sit at home and abuse the system of not doing enough for the people of the country, it is the time that every individual takes up the responsibility to strengthen the country in one way or the other. This attempt can be as small as paying your taxes on time, spreading education in your vicinity, ensuring that you vote, choose your leader carefully, doing the job that you love, raising your voice against any ill-treatment by the system, ministers or the bureaucrats, finding different mediums to get help, educating people on how to control population etc. These are some ways by which any individual can contribute and within years we will see the change.

The change that we all dream is  inevitable if we are all strive for it.


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